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Letters – Review

Rhymes:  "I Love the Ocean", "Looking for a Moose", "Everyone is Different"

Opposites:  Far/Near

Story:  "Vacations Near and Far"



Value:  Accepting Others

Health Topic:  Safety Around Water  

Special Event:  Independence Day

Music Program:

Week 1: No Class 

Week 2:  No Class 

Week 3:  “Sebastian” our special friend from the sea will start our Caribbean day with some dancing to steel drum music.  Next “Bongo Beat” will encourage Bongo/TomTom/Jembe playing by everyone.  After that we will all line up to do “The Limbo.”  Then we will learn a traditional song called “Tingalayo” and sing about our Donkey friend, Tingalayo.  We will finish our Caribbean Day with a rhythm band ensemble to “Calypso Island.”

Week 4:  Hola!  Today our class activities will take us south of the boarder to Mexico.  We will start by tapping our sticks to “La Cucaracha.”  Next we will learn a dance called “The Mexican Hat Dance.”  Dancing and clapping is fun but don’t step on the Sombrero!  Then we will sing “Pin Pon” a Mexican song about a paper doll.  After playing the Maracas, Chiquita, Guiro and claves to “Siesta”, we will end our day by learning a new word – “Hasta Luego.”

Spanish Program:

Week 1:  No class.

Week 2:  No class.

Week 3:  This week we are going to focus on Familia (Family).  We will first create our book on Mi Familia, color the pages and then read the book.  Next we will listen to "Mi Familia" song from our early spanish adventures cd.  Lastly we will finish up with Mi Familia bingo cards.

Week 4:  This week we are going to learn words that start with the Letra R.  We will also be playing a potato sack game and reviewing our colors and numbers. 

el ratón

ehl raTON


la rana

Lah rah nah


el reno

ehl REno


la rosa

Lah roh sa


el robot

ehl robot


Week 5:  This week we are going to play games.  First we are going to play Spanish bingo, then we are going to play Uno pracitcing our numeros y colores and lastly we will play ¿ Qué Es Eso ?

Art Program:

Week 1:  Continuing on our recycling unit, we will make Fourth of July celebration T-Shirts by creating fireworks on them using pipe cleaners in the shape of an octopus.


Week 2:  No class.


Week 3:  We are going to start the next unit which is Printmaking.  Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing, normally on paper. Except in the case of monotyping, the process is capable of producing multiples of the same piece, which is called a print. Each piece is not a copy but an original since it is not a reproduction of another work of art and is technically known as an impression. Painting or drawing, on the other hand, create a unique original piece of artwork. Prints are created from a single original surface, known technically as a matrix.  For the first week, we are going to make a monoprint using crayons.


Week 4:  This week we are going to use sixteen different leaf stencils to make monoprints on paper.  


Week 5:  This week we are going to use flowers - different colors and shapes in creating our monoprints.