OCTOBER Music Program: Week 1: Highs and lows will be the focus today. We will start by seeing how high we can jump to “Zippity Doo Dah.” Next we will learn about high and low sounds on the xylophone. After that we will meet big and little spiders who taught us how to sing up high and down low. Then we will tap our sticks high and low to “Music, Music, Music” and finish by moving the parachute up and down to “Each of Us Is a Flower.” Week 2: We will start our day be singing “Good Morning.” A special story – “Herman the Worm” will be shared to encourage vocalization. Please ask your children to sing about Herman! It’s very sweet! Then creative movements will be encouraged with “Rock-N-Roll Freeze” and lots of tapping will take place during “Be a Tapper.” We will end our day with streamers to “Pause.” Week 3: We are experiencing Highs and Lows this week in music. We will start by warming up to "Bop Till You Drop" dancing and moving up and down. Next we will learn the difference between high and low notes by singing about fish, stars and spiders. After that we will play our instruments to "Up So High" and "Silly Sam." We will finish by moving our scarves to "Look Up High, Look Down Low." Week 4: For the next two weeks we will be celebrating Halloween! We will warm up by pretending to be pumpkins, witches, bats and goblins to “Halloween Song.” Next we will read a book and learn a poem called “Five Little Pumpkins.” We will also learn a new dance called the “Pumpkin Patch Polka” with a little tapping, stamping and clapping. Then we will play our instruments to “Adams Family” and use our parachute to help some ghosts fly to “Ghostbusters.” We will finish by singing “If you Want to Be…” Week 5: We will continue our Halloween theme this week by starting with a vocal exercise called “Boo.” We will hide behind a pumpkin face and wait to shout our greeting into the microphone. Next we will demonstrate some dance improvisation to the “Monster Mash.” After that, we will learn sign language to “Here’s A Little Pumpkin.” Then we will practice tossing bean bags into a ghost, pumpkin and goblin buckets and we will play our instruments to “Alfred Hitchcock.” We will finish by moving our streamers to “Purple People Eater.” Happy Halloween!!!
Ms. Laura's House of Stories (click on the date below to find out what we are exploring): Thursday, October 10 & Thursday, October 17